The roots of “Billions in Change”


Every small step we take can make a difference.  I was struck by how our movement to change the world by “making it so easy that everyone can easily be a gardener” is aligned with the vision outlined of Billions in Change!

This great video resonates with our goal of billions of miniroots tended by millions of gardeners and in general helped fire me up to get cracking with our app team through the weekend.

If you need inspiration, watch this video, Billions In Change.  I started this friday morning with 45 minutes of pure inspiration and want to share it with you!  Enjoy and go make some changes this weekend – on one person, one garden, one thing that matters to you!

What tiny step are you taking this weekend to make a change?

Grow Together!


Every small step we take can make a difference.  I was struck by how our movement to change the world by “making it so easy that everyone can easily be a gardener” is aligned with the vision outlined of Billions in Change! This great video resonates with our goal...
Read More: The roots of “Billions in Change”

Join MiniRoots – easy for all to garden collaboratively & eat locally

  Do you enjoy growing vegetables and food with your friends neighbors and family? Do you love the taste of fresh vegetables and want eating healthy to be a deliciously rich experience? Do you embrace self-reliance and want to teach your family the art of growing their own food?...
Read More: Join MiniRoots – easy for all to garden collaboratively & eat locally