Grow Together

Collaborative urban gardening is the movement we are pushing forward together. We’ve created a methodology and are working on products to make it incredibly easy to grow with and alongside your neighbors, friends, community, and families.

IMG_3565We call this methodology CrowdCropping and are in the process of creating the CrowdCrop app and related tools to help you grow together and get all the benefits of growing smartly, getting it right the first time, and growing what you and your community most need and enjoy!

  • Grow vegetables successfully
  • Get on-site help with your urban farming
  • Collaborate with green thumb experts
  • Share your gardening accomplishments and advice
  • Get great ideas for your gardening!

Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Sign up to be a CrowdCropping gardener or sign your urban garden up to CrowdCrop!  If you haven’t got a home garden, hit the easy button to get one delivered and setup for you.
  2. Join the CrowdCrop program for free tools, great discounts and to help the crowdCropping movement succeed in your community
  3. Get the app (and sign up for your town/community) We’re planning the native app launch this spring. In the meantime, we’ve created this responsive web app to encourage and support our CrowdCropping community to grow collaboratively!